La Circolare n.2 aprile 2017 è il nostro elemento discriminante nella progettazione dei sitemi informativi aziendali. Abbiamo anche sviluppato un applicativo web per la gestione del questionario che detta le linee imposte dalle buone prassi SANS.
Il nostro sistema permette di monitorare l’infrastruttura IT tramite la compilazione del questionario permettendo un costante monitoraggio con KPI opportune.
About SANS Institute
Launched in 1989 as a cooperative for information security thought leadership, it is SANS’ ongoing mission to empower cyber security professionals with the practical skills and knowledge they need to make our world a safer place. We fuel this effort with high quality training, certifications, scholarship academies, degree programs, cyber ranges, and resources to meet the needs of every cyber professional. Our data, research, and the top minds in cybersecurity collectively ensure that individuals and organizations have the actionable education and support they need.